Faith Harper photograph
Faith Harper photograph
Faith G. Harper, PhD, ACS, ACN
Faith G. Harper, PhD, ACS, ACN

Consulting Services, Training, and Speaking Engagements



Dr. Harper is a friend to ECI. She has served a critical role in ensuring the ECI program is following Medicaid requirements related to documentation and establishing medical necessity for services. Dr. Harper is extremely knowledgeable on the subject and can easily share that knowledge to direct line staff in an easy to understand manner. I highly recommend Dr. Harper for future contract work with other ECI programs.


Rosa Arzola
Team Leader at CHCS - Early Childhood Intervention


Consulting Services 


Billing and Medical Necessity:

I provide consulting services, specializing in insurance billing, CPT coding, and documentation compliance for Medicaid and Medicare. I charge $300.00 an hour (plus travel expenses if you want my services provided at your business location, should that business be outside of Bexar County). Off-site service are available at a rate of $200.00 an hour.


Outcome Measures and Statistical Analysis

I provide services assisting organizations determine the appropriate measures to document treatment and/or service efficacy and can manage your data in that regard. I have extensive experience managing data to support grant and waiver programs. I can provide support at my hourly rate, or on contract for the length of your project.


Records Review

I provide services related to records review and recommendations regarding claims with  both a written report and live consultation prior to legal hearings or depositions, as long as the review of records is within the scope of my training and competency. I can provide these services at my hourly rate, or on contract.


Training Services


I  provide external training services on a variety of topics related to mental health. Trainings that I provide on a regular basis include:


  • Seeking Safety
  • The Praed Foundation Child and Adolescent Strengths and Needs Assessment (CANS)
  • The Praed Foundation Adult Needs and Strengths Assessment (ANSA)
  • Collaborative Documentation as Clinical Practice
  • Ethical Practice in Treating Issues Related to Sexuality and Intimacy
  • Supporting Trauma Recovery: Strategies for Clinicans and Peer Providers
  • Brain Development and Trauma Recovery 
  • Ethical Supervision Practices for Board, Clinical, and Administrative Supervisors
  • The Ethics of Allyship to the LGBTQ Community
  • Crossing The T  -- Working with Transgender, Genderqueer, Gender Questioning, and Gender Non- onforming Individuals: Strategies for Clincians and Peer Providers
  • Differential Diagnosis in Children's Mental Health
  • Supporting LGBTQ Clients: Resources and Best Practices for Mental Health Professionals
  • Promoting Active Consent and Boundary Recognition in Relationships
  • Clinical Nutrition, Trauma, and Mental Health


....and many others! Please contact me if your organization is looking for a trainer.



Speaking Engagements

I have been increasingly asked to comes speak about intimacy in a variety of venues outside the scope of formal  training. Please contact me if you are interested in me speaking to your group.


Examples of my speaking engagments can be found here (Shame, Sex, and Silence at TEDxSanAntonio) and here (a sermon on Intimacy and Connection at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Kerrville, TX).




     Contact Me


Phone: 210-705-2121


Email is the quickest way to connect with me! In order to maintain client privacy, I manage my own schedule which makes it difficult to field and return phone calls!







I will not see inquiries sent through social media direct messaging, please email!



Office Address:

125 Thomas Jefferson

San Antonio, TX 78228





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