Faith Harper photograph
Faith Harper photograph
Faith G. Harper, PhD, ACS, ACN
Faith G. Harper, PhD, ACS, ACN

Safety Plans and Committment To Treatment Contracts

Commitment To Treatment Statement
This form is intended to help individuals seeking mental health services understand their role and need for active participation in the treatment process.
Commitment to Treatment Statement.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [200.7 KB]
Crisis Safety Plan
We all need a plan in place to help get us through the hard times. Here is a great crisis plan for just such times!
My Personal Crisis Response Safety Plan.[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [305.7 KB]
Sexual Safety Plan
This form is designed to help children and youth understand boundaries and feel safe in their home or other living environment. It is designed to facilitate discussions about consent, empowerment, and appropriate behavior regarding sex, sexuality, and privacy. This plan can be used with all children and youth, but is particularly useful for children and youth who have a trauma history and are exhibiting unsafe behaviors based on past lived experiences.
Adobe Acrobat document [432.3 KB]

Working With Emotions and Sensations

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Mini Workbook
This packet includes 5 DBT skills worksheets created by a group of cool people (plus myself) who were studying DBT and were required to create and present a worksheet as a course completion requirement. Because they are such cool people, they are allowing me to share their work with all of y'all.
DBT Worksheet Packet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [167.0 KB]
Emotions Word Wheel
Figuring out the right word to describe what you are feeling can be frustrating, right! (And isn't frustrating a great feelings word?) Here is a cool wheel that shows different layers of feelings words for different core emotions!
Emotions Word Wheel.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [193.9 KB]
Simple Mood Tracker
A tool to help you track your moods and help figure out triggers for those moods. If you struggle with figuring out the right feelings words, check out the link above this one for a good resource!!
Mood Tracker.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [22.9 KB]
Sensory Words and Categories
We have thoughts, we have feelings, and we have behaviors. We also have...sensations??? The felt sense is an entirely different thing, isn't it? It's the way we categorize our physical reactions to experiences. Understanding our sensory experiences goes a long way into managing our strong negative reactions!
Sensations Words (2).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [167.2 KB]
Sensations and Pendulation
This worksheet is based on Peter Levine's somatic experiencing treatment, working with the idea of pendulation in the body. We have places in our body that get activated when we are triggered and places that feel safe. This worksheet helps find ways to move between the two in order to better manage our triggers.
Where In Your Body Do You Feel That.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [134.3 KB]
Mindfulness Meditation Log
Simple mindfulness meditation log that is tied into noticing automatic negative thoughts and "HALT" experiences, so extra-useful for individuals in recovery and inviduals using CBT.
Mindfulness Meditation Log.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [62.4 KB]
Shadow Work
Carl Jung stated that shadow work was a vital part of emotional health. It seems like really complex (and let's face it, kinda dark) work, so I broke down all the concepts and created processes to help folx better understand it and incorporate it into their practice.
Shadow Work Worksheet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [157.6 KB]
DBT Sensory Toolkit Directions
How to use the 5 senses to manage activation and stay grounded. Consider it a basic emotional first aid kit!
Sensory Tool Kit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [234.3 KB]

Positive Psychology Worksheets

The Dr Faith 12 Week Gratitude Journal Project
This printable journal is a guided 12 week gratitude program. There are different "gratitude topics" for each week to keep you out of a journaling brain rut and help you shift your focus into your own emotional self-care work as you progress through the weeks.
The Dr. Faith Gratitude Journal 12 Week [...]
Adobe Acrobat document [609.4 KB]
The Intention Setting Worksheet
This printable worksheet covers the difference between intentions and goals, ideas on setting intentions, and space to document your experience of working with intention setting.
Intention Setting Worksheet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [175.4 KB]
Teaching Yourself Learned Optimism: The Adverse Events Log
Finding ways to challenge adverse events and create new ways of thinking is the hallmark of Martin Seligman's work on learned optimism. This log comes with directions on how to track adverse events then challenge them using Seligmans's stategies (Seligman's A-B-C-D-E stems from Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, the cognitive therapy pioneered by Albert Ellis.)
Adverse Event Log.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [224.5 KB]

Solution Focused Worksheets

The TEAM Worksheet
A worksheet for using the TEAM model for documenting movement toward achieving goals in solution focused therapy!
Adobe Acrobat document [105.5 KB]
Scaling Readiness and Making Micromovements
This same worksheet can be used to either scale readiness for change or start making small changes towards goals. Directions for both included!
Scaling Readiness and Moving Along Ten S[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [210.0 KB]
Strengths Mind Map Worksheet
Creating solutions starts with building from the strengths we already utilize. This worksheet is a great way to identify strengths and how we have used them in the past.
Strengths Mind Map Worksheet.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [393.3 KB]
The No Change Log
Sometimes the best way to start toward a solution is to identify the things in life that are already going well. This log helps you focus on the things that are going well everyday...the things that don't need to be targeted for change.
The No Change List.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [209.7 KB]
Exceptions Seeking Worksheet
When was stuff not so bad? When did things go well...or at least a little bit better? What was different? How can we do more of that? This worksheet helps explore exception seeking in solution focused therapy.
Adobe Acrobat document [267.8 KB]
WOOP Action Planning for Goals
The WOOP acronym was created by professor Gabriele Oettingen based on her research on how humans move past fantasy to reality in order to achieve our goals.
WOOP Skill.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [32.9 KB]

Other Fun Stuff

Handing Out Sticks
A metaphor about suicide and therapy as an act of courage.
Handing Out Sticks.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [27.5 KB]
The Consent Commandments
A humorous look at consent culture.
The Consent Commandments.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [49.1 KB]
MASH Your 2025 Goals
Remember MASH? If not, ask a Gen Xer or older Millennial! Here is a fun way to think about and decide on positive goals for the new year! Let the spiral decider help you narrow down your plans!
MASH 2025 NY Goals.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [254.1 KB]




     Contact Me


Phone: 210-705-2121


Email is the quickest way to connect with me! In order to maintain client privacy, I manage my own schedule which makes it difficult to field and return phone calls!


TheIntimacyDr on Linkt.ree




Office Address:

125 Thomas Jefferson

San Antonio, TX 78228


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